Our Aim

" To provide high-quality postnatal check-ups, family planning, and screening services to all women in line with the Royal Government's policies. "

– Post Natal & Family Planning


PNC services are recommended for all women from the time of delivery up to 42 days postpartum.

Post Natal Care and Family Planning are essential parts of the comprehensive Reproductive Health Service package. The postnatal period begins after delivery and lasts up to 42 days (6 weeks), during which the reproductive organs gradually return to their pre-pregnancy state, and the mother regains her normal health.

  • The first few weeks post-delivery are critical to prevent postpartum complications such as bleeding and infection. This period also ensures that the mother can comfortably breastfeed her baby, supporting both maternal and infant health.


  • Clients register at the main reception, where they will be directed to the appropriate unit.
  • MCH books and prescriptions are organized by the service type, whether Family Planning (FP), PNC, or other consultations.
  • New clients receive a registration number according to the service they seek.
  • Health education sessions are conducted in the waiting area for all clients before services begin.
VisitTimeServices Provided
1st Postnatal VisitWithin one week of deliveryRegistration, history taking, lab investigations, physical examination, counseling, treatment and advice, referral if required
2nd Postnatal VisitThree weeks after deliveryLab investigation, general examination, breast and genital examination, counseling, referral if required
3rd Postnatal VisitSix weeks after deliveryPhysical examination, lab tests, breast and perineum/genital examination, family planning advice, referral if required

Ideal Timing for Family Planning Methods:

  • Condoms: Available anytime.
  • Hormonal Contraceptives (OCP): After six months post-delivery; others within five days of menstruation.
  • IUCD Service: Between the 1st and 7th day of menstruation or six weeks post-delivery.
  • DMPA Injection: Six weeks post-delivery or within five days of the last period.
  • Tubal Ligation and Vasectomy: Clients register for the Family Planning Camp and confirm attendance before the scheduled procedure.

Family Planning Beneficiaries:

  • Newly married couples
  • Those wishing to prevent pregnancy for medical or personal reasons
  • Individuals who wish to limit or space pregnancies
  • Families who have completed their desired number of children
  1. Health Education
  2. Pre-Counseling: Initial consultation to discuss family planning options.
  3. Screening: Health checks to ensure eligibility for chosen family planning methods.
  4. Laboratory Testing
  5. Physical Examination
  6. Provision of Service: Family planning method based on individual needs.
  7. Post-Counseling: Guidance and advice post-service.
  8. Consultation, Treatment, and Referral: Available for further care if required.
  • Consultation and treatment of minor ailments
  • Training and attachments for district-level health workers
  • Supervision and guidance of RIH (Reproductive and Infant Health) initiatives

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